Wednesday, December 2, 2020

NAIS PoCC: White Affinity Group Session

 5 Things Every Human Needs

  • Breath 
  • Rest
  • Water
  • Nutrition
  • Community
Which are you getting enough of? Which do you need more of?

Principles of Conversational Leadership and Shared Work

  • How will I demonstrate respect for others, their differences and similarities?
  • How can I support the safest space possible for brave and authentic truth-telling for self and others?'
  • When should I step forward and when should I step back to be my best self or create space for others?

Challenging Self: Breakout Rooms

  • Choose a discussion leader and time keeper
  • Intros: One minute per person (8 mins total)--name, pronouns, school, location
  • Storytelling: Divide time evenly--each person answers one of the questions
    • Why am I here?
    • How have I prepared myself? 
    • How is my "awareness and accountability" work challenging me?
    • When have I backed away from challenging myself?
    • What do I need in order to change my response in the future?

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