Thursday, December 3, 2020

Khyati Joshi: Making the Invisible Visible: Religion, Race and Whiteness in America


  • Christians have privilege
    • Jewish ppl may have white priv. while not religious priv.
    • Black Christians may have religious priv. while not racial privilege
  • Presenter experienced bullying for being Indian (from India)
    • National Geographic played a role in exorcized presentation of other cultures 
  • Religion is often invisible, so intention is to make it visible within our culture and experiences
  • Immigration policy: 1917--Asian Barred Zone Act: From parts of Asia, ppl are no longer able to immigrate the the US (on top of the Asian Exclusion Act)
    • These were largely non-Christian populations
    • With a critical lens, we can infer the intension of the act
    • Immigration act of 1924 on top of this helped shape the demographic of a white Protestant population
  • Schools have avoided teaching about the Black and Asian American experiences which alienates the people who are living those experiences; dominant culture then dictates how those stories are told
  • Christianity and race supremacy are baked into our laws
    • Important cases on religious freedom: Goldman v. Weinberger; "Peyote Case"; Lane Case
      • Facially neutral option assumes Christian normativity so that other religious customs are abnormal 
  • We cannot enact change through the same patterns of thought and function
    • One pattern= More religious diversity less talk about religion
    • When prayer was taken out of school, schools also stopped talking about religion, which prevents students from understanding the influences of religion on their lives
    • People should acknowledge the specific religions that people practice, understand the various holidays that people celebrate
    • Increase religious literacy around what different religions value
  • Scientific racism has been used to prevent citizenship within the US
    • Ozawa Case
    • 1923: Thind (a Sikh) Case tried to use race to prove his eligibility but was denied

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