Thursday, July 16, 2020

Understanding Gender Dysphoria

Presener: Aydin Olson-Kennedy

"Coming in before coming out"
-Coming in: Exploration of gender in order to understand their experience

  • Taking information in privately (YouTube, forums) before they can come out
  • People can have gradual coming out process as they perceive themselves, understand their own gender

-Coming out: at times people to come out in spaces where there is some distance/safety (text or grocery store

  • People can be resisted in coming out: being disbelieved as "attention seeking" or a phase
  • Questions can feel like accusations at first exposure
  • Coming out is exhausting! People have been doing work to understand themselves for months/years before bringing the information to whoever they're coming out to
  • (Based on study participants) Ave. age when people recognize their difference (coming in) at 13; disclosure at age 27--ppl doing lots of work coming in for years before coming out
  • Never ask ppl to "de-evolve" or step back in their movement forward
-Factors that can influence coming in and out
  • Racial/ethnic identity
  • Family structure
  • Religious identity or affiliation
  • Geographic location
  • Access to information
  • Perceived family/social support structure
  • Designated gender at birth, gender identity, sexual identity
  • Media
-What is gender dysphoria?
Diagnosis: An incongruence between experienced/expressed gender and assigned gender (for at least 6 mos) based on specific criteria leading to clinically significant distress
  • This can be harmful as it withholds care until people are in distress--and is not preventative
What it can look like:
  • Depression, anxiety, disengagement, anger, poor academics, negative body image, exhaustion, distracted but able to focus on specific things (escapism)
Sound like:
  • What will my family identity be if I come out?
  • I do/don't hate my body--feeling like they're not doing trans "right" if they don't hate their body
  • Grief over never being "real"--less than the real they want to be
Might get dysphoric over:
  • body, facial features, periods, emotions, mannerisms, voice, interests
Dysphoria is trauma; dysphoria can feel like being born in the wrong body
  • Suicidality may be a something dysphoria evokes

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