Monday, July 13, 2020

Summer Reading for Middle School in Equity, Social Justice, and Anti-Bias

Check this great booklist! I had a fun time assembling it for my 7th and 8th grade students, but I think it has titles that are appropriate for high schoolers and adults as well. I look forward to digging into some of these over the summer as well.

 I wrote to my students:

 "YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Please choose and read a book from the list before school starts in August. You can absolutely read as many as you are interested in, but you should read at least one.

 YOU WILL FIND stories about changemakers: adolescents and teens growing up in countries all over the world, overcoming obstacles to make their voices heard or to advocate for justice. You might notice that themes of race, gender, and identity are common, and you also will find books that guide the reader to develop an anti-bias perspective. I encourage you to go outside your comfort zone and to read about a perspective that's NEW TO YOU!

 TAKE YOUR TIME to explore the list, and make selections you are genuinely interested in reading. You can adjust view/sort at the top of the list; hover over a book cover for an expanded view. Make your choice(s) and talk to your parents about your selection. To get the books, I suggest you order from an online independent bookseller (like or, go to a local bookstore if they're open, or download it to an ipad or e-reader.

 YOU WILL HAVE an assignment related to the reading when you return to school, but just take the next month to enjoy your reading. You can reply with questions if you like. HAPPY READING!"

John's bookshelf: summer-reading-for-humanities-7-8

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