Friday, July 17, 2020

Let's Get Free: A Racial Justice Approach to Supporting Gender Expansive Youth of Color

Centering the lived experiences of the youth--creating community that sees all the kiddos as individuals

-None of us are free until Queer, Trans, GNC and non-binary, Indigenous, YoC are free
-Gender binary and gender norms are rooted in white supremacy
-We don't have time to not talk about race
-If it's not racially just it's not trauma informed
-Resilience is the baseline, not the benchmark (survival isn't enough--why do people have to be resilient--let's address the harm so we're not always bouncing back from harm!!)
-Trauma is atmospheric, so our healing must be
-Nothing about YPOC, without YPOC
-Gender expansive youth of color are the experts of their own experience

"The first think you need to do is forget that I'm black. Second, you must never forget that I'm black."
-This is just the first step
-Seeing people as whole people--not just their identity markers, but not forgetting their identity either

-Centering young peoples' voices
-Fostering creativity
-Restorative justice approach
-Youth organizing club
-Sanctuary and safe space
-Opportunities to connect, heal, learn, and lead

-Avoid weaponizing the available and treating them as band-aids for a broken system
-Naming the problems of the system so that people know they aren't the problem
-PPL often sitting in their own pain while trying to do the work of advocating for themselves and uncared for
-Conventional research doesn't center and cherish trans and gender diverse ypoc (seen as problems to be dealt with)
-Ppl are problematized--shows up in state violence, shows up to make the people bad rather than addressing the problem that hurt them

COLLECTIVE LIBERATION--we are a part of the process, we can create the space but it's also for us, it is work we can do together

-Healing and well-being and fundamentally political
-Young folks develop and analyze these practices and policies that create the trauma in the first place

-We lead with love and rage
-We prioritize relationships
-We acknowledge injustice and harm
-Modeling healthy relationships by engaging the young ppl with love
-We stop to acknowledge grief and loss
-Grief is needed for healing and movement

-Seen as an individual rather than systemic--and then we come back to the problematic system
-How can we learn about ourselves from the joy that we give/get from our experiences
-Creating space to center joy and pleasure allows sustainability, collective liberation and healing

Apologizing is important. Acknowledging the harm that has been done.

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