Thursday, July 16, 2020

Creating and Sustaining Groups for LGBTQIA+ Children and Families in Elementary School

How can we start such a group at our own schools?
-"Rainbow Clubs" "Affinity Groups"

  • Safe place to support identities 
How to start a group:
  1. Find at least one ally in the community
    • Principal, union rep, supportive family members,
    • Who is supporting teachers? What are their views?
    • How responsive would admin be? Who would I contact first?
      • Admin would be generally supportive without getting involved
      • I would connect with other queer teachers
  2. Decide who will plan, host and organize each meeting
    • Works well in teams
    • Planning meeting ahead of time
    • Will you include families and siblings in meetings?
    • At least one LGBTQIA+ member and one person of color
      • Who would make good additions to the group?
      • How can we prioritize black voices?
  3. Decide where and when your group will happen?
    • Pick a space that won't change during the year
    • Frequency?
    • Consider accessibility (time, transportation, internet access) 
      • Where would be the best spaces for us to meet? (Neutral space--SEL room?)
      • How often? What time of day? (Lunch clubs)
  4. Get the word out
    • How can we reach most of the community? (Direct outreach usually more effective)
      • Students, families, staff, allies
    • Posters? Involve students with flyers? Morning meetings? Newsletters? Class notes?
  5. Host the first meeting
    • Get the word out 1-2 wks before the first meeting
    • Give reminders in the days leading up the meeting
    • Check in with families so we know some ppl will be there
    • Fams/sibs may be present
    • Consider privacy (especially online)
    • Make everyone feel welcome
    • Take time to reflect and consider what went well
      • What kinds of activities would we want to do? (choose a structure and a theme for each meeting)
      • Start with play and chat--open activities for students
      • Read a story aloud and discuss
      • Make posters, 
    • Playing with pronouns cards, gender non-binary dolls 
    • Celebrate ally week, no name calling week
    • Make buttons that show students' pronouns--or just getting creative
  • Special considerations for online groups:
    • Greater potential participation
    • Challenges of coordinating schedules
    • Find ways to be interactive (chat, breakout, "change one thing," treasure and scavenger hunts around the house
    • Ensure access to tech
  • Work time:
    • Gender Inclusive Classroom's page about Rainbow Clubs
    • GLSEN School Year Calendar with LGBTQ+ dates
    • Bi-monthly themes for long term planning
    • Sample letter to principal
    • BLM @school coloring pages
  • TIPS:
    • Building a larger allies across schools 
    • Building identity maps, race, ethnicity, gender, religion
    • Snacks, community, fun

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